Anti-Migrant Force Builds in Europe, Hurting Merkel's Quest

You cannot frame public policy based on individuals.

When a person breaks a law, we generally don't hold the entire community guilty, do we? No, most western societies grant rights and privileges to their people. In other words, for all their faults, they protect the individuality of their people in dealing with the state. They do not drag them all down into a faceless mass. The crime of an individual is the fault of the individual, the virtue of that individual is the virtue of the individual.

If you remove the individual from the equation you are actually undermining centuries worth of western political thought. The enlightenment revolved around individual rights, around the right of people to speak for themselves and to have their own voice in their society. You can't claim to be speaking for western civilization and then spit on its entire intellectual foundations at the same time.

Unless of course you take after, say, Mussolini and really just want a hyper-nationalistic dictaotrship that seeks to eradicate all personal differences between people and to turn them into a brainless and violent mass that in practice is seen as an extension of the state.

You don't want that, right?

You have to frame it in broad terms of demographic trends and social systems because politics is based on trying to achieve the largest net positive result and the lowest net negative result.

This isn't a math equation. And utilitarian thinking tends to lead to extreme tragedy. And let's be honest here, if you are advocating for the "removal" of immigrants you're advocating for human tragedy. If you don't believe me go get yourself deported to Syria, see how long the assumption that it isn't a dehumanizing and hideous process holds up. Not only that, immigration is only a "negative" if you refuse to look at the broader picture and complexity of society.

It's all very well to wish that all these people have the right to do whatever they want. The problem is that someone has to pay for it, in more ways than one

The issue is that this society is under the domination of the upper class, I already went over this. To blame regular people in the same position as you is an absurdity and an example of misdirected outrage. And indeed one thing I've noticed when arguing with radical right wing types about this, most of them are actually angry at capitalism and the government's collusion with it. They just don't realize it.

We need to think differently. This society, again, will not survive as is. It's economy will not survive. It needs a massive reshaping or this conversation will have been useless, everything will have been useless.

Just as an example, right now there is the largest exodus of Jews from Europe since World War II because virtually every single one of the countries these migrants and refugees come from are Islamic states run on theocratic precepts where anti-Semitism is ingrained into the culture.

I have a number of Jewish friends who've traveled extensively in Europe, some of them from places like Hungary or Poland. A common trend is them telling me Europeans, white Europeans, are anti-semitic as fuck. Or have we forgotten that this same group of people exterminated 6 million Jews just 70 years ago? That it continued in many ways to marginalize them for years after that in some cases? Anti-semitism is as much European as anything else, and to claim it isn't is to deny reality.

And besides, you can't deal with bigotry with more bigotry. That's just stupid. It's also what you're suggesting here.

These are groups whose interests work against each other and by supporting one, you will necessarily undermine the other,

It's not us vs them which is what you don't get. It's only us. We either try to build mutual understanding or we get violence anyway. And indeed, what you are arguing for here is inherently violent and leads to massive amounts of hatred and a breakdown in social relations. You might as well be advocating for never ending war.

There is no factor that plays a greater role in the the integration and social assimilation of migrant communities than the ability of the host country to filter their entry.

Yeah, no. And don't talk about the US as an example of this. A common trend in our history is our government treating millions of immigrants like garbage then caving to pressure when they realize people like my great grandparents were sneaking in anyway and were a major part of the economy.

You cannot filter these people, and so you will be letting in thousands of people who hate Jews

As opposed to the neo nazi maniacs who hate immigrants and Jews?

Immigrants from countries like China, Korea, Poland and India succeed and are assimilated into broader American culture,

I live in New York. I see day after day how completely and utterly wrong this is. Not only that, how fucking counterproductive this idea is. Erasing the identity of people does not create harmony. Conformity is not a virtue, it is the death of culture. All culture. And indeed mainstream American culture has been increasingly degraded by this impulse.

you will necessarily create social tension for years

Social tension is here. I'm trying to deal with it in a humane way. You're advocating for massive state violence, inequality, and human cruelty. A futile process as these institutions that carry it out are growing more and more incapable of dealing with the 21st century by the day.

The future will be democratic and motivated by respect to individuals or it will be a smoldering crater. Hatred and fear will not cure hated and fear.

Who doesn't think girls should be allowed to go to schools?

You don't deal with cultural issues such as sexism via widespread bigotry and dehumanization in fact you end up entrenching that kind of culture with that shit. Then it becomes not an issue to be dealt with but an obligation in the face of hostility. One of my professors in college was a Pakistani feminist. She would have laughed in your face. So would Malala Yousafzai. Progress won't come through repression and violence, through fear and hate. It comes through education and mutual understanding.

Also, I'm sick of right wingers who objectively don't give a fuck about women's rights using women as a talking point.

And again, you can't drag every single individual down to a faceless mass. I already went over why. You talk about these people as individuals or you're being simplistic and hateful, and there's nothing rational behind either of those aspects.

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