Anti-religion in the military?

No one said you did. That would include me.

However, what I would like to know is how you determine when someone is totally and completely screwing with you.

Public face: Lets be adults ad discuss!

Private face: I cannot believe he disagrees with me! Let me down vote EVERY thing he puts in this thread and ... because I cannot follow the reddit rules ... and severely restrict his ability to use the forum based on the 'private and anonymous' immaturity - that he won't find out about until well after I have done the damage.

And when discovered? Despite the apparent rule violation? Who continues to bear the consequences? Not th rule breaker and anonymous abuser of the system - the person who attempted to engage the person as an adult.

Again, not your fault as a mod. Its a reddit issue, and one that, after publicly acknowledging it, that is being swept under the rug - with another formal complaint deleted without action.

It has nothing to do with atheists being welcome, it has everything to do with discussing religion in a religious portion of reddit without fear of abuse and reprisal from atheists.

Again, is there anything ... controversial about the subject? One that requires 'punishment'?

Well, reddit undernmined yet again.

And last time I took umbrage with this, I had atheists following me around in the real world with death threats and advocacy of of suicide ... after the mods attempted to halt the abuse, and the trolls of atheism held me, not their actions, responsible.

The down vote both appeals to and brings out the worst in users on this forum. The admins deleted yet another complaint (three again yesterday, only one from me). The ostrich mentality to problems, sticking one head in the sand, just means the user base is fleeing.

Most new accounts? Probably form users attempting to undo the damage caused by the emotional tirade of down votes.

People in this forum, religious people - especially after seeing what happened (I doubt its the first time), will withhold their opinions ... its only a matter of time before the majority of the atheists on this sed-reddit do what they have done to sam many other religious reddits.

Again, I feel bad for the atheists that really are attempting to engage. Unfortunately for them, the trolls of atheism will come and inject there emotionalism into even the most staid conversation and 'punish' rather than discuss.

This is, again, the only forum I have used where trolls are allowed to actually effect the usage of others. It should be a clear shot across the bow to reddit that none of its competitors have adopted the 'down vote'. They have certainly stolen many other features, but universally, not that one. Obstinance and pride IMHO.

Just remember what happened to myspace.

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