Anti theism is not the face of atheism. Anti theism needs to be called out for what it is which is an extreme and hateful ideology.

The palpable pretension in these comments really suggests that this thread has been linked elsewhere.

As a disclaimer, if it matters at all: I'm a Deist.

Anyways, Abrahamic values--Judeo-Christian in particular--can be found throughout history. Even the phrase AD (Anno Domini; In the year of our Lord) has been used ubiquitously throughout history. With such a dominant presence, do these people think they're the only "educated" ones who have ever questioned God or his existence?

Jean-Paul Marat was a French Revolutionist who lived in the late 1700s. He was a deist. I know--someone in history other than a redditor who disagreed with Christianity at the time? Shocking, isn't it? In fact, ironically enough, when Men actually tried to execute anti-theism during the French Revolution, they created an extremely pretentious cult instead.

Here's a favorite quote of mine:

Remember that all is opinion.

It advocates for a reasonable doubt in all that we hold to be true. It's skepticism. Skepticism of other's beliefs, other's values, and even your own. The quote is by Marcus Aurelius; it's over two-thousand years old. And have they suddenly forgotten about belief systems such as Fatalism?

It's absurd to assume that we as a people are suddenly just. As if all of history was just "sheeple" following some religion blindly, as if no one in history was ever abhorred by the massacres in the name of Gods. As if Man suddenly became humane and disgusted by the slaughter of humans.

What a nice way to absolve yourself of the fact that not all you agree or disagree with is an absolute.

As a whole, we see those who disagree as stupid or ignorant, which is why anti-theism is often euphemized with "reason" or "logic". Logic and reason are not simply arguments that you agree with, as nothing is black and white.

And, with this, to assume that Christians or Jews are simply stupid or sheep makes you no more open-minded or wise than a Bible thumper who assumes all atheists are pawns of the Devil. To assume every Christian holds the same moral values as a Crusader who slaughtered the Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem is to say every Deist desires to chop off thousands of heads like Marat.

But with such a one-sided and conceited worldview, how can you ever hope to understand grey areas? How can you ever realize that not all humans who don't hold your same beliefs are sheeple? That we're all conscious, thinking, computing beings who contest the idea of God in our heads?

I know I'm talking to a brick wall and I'll be showered with "ya well God doesn't exist lol" responses, and I'll regret taking the time to voice my opinion regardless, but I hope somebody found some solace in what I've said.

But what am I going on about? I don't have 100% certainty that nothing exists beyond this life, so I must be an uneducated idiot who follows the majority and a simple sheep. If it's not my belief--and by my belief I mean complete and utter nihilism--then it's wrong. Clearly religion only exists because those damn fools are afraid of death--am I right? Nevermind the fact that it's equally as difficult to prove God as it is to disprove Him; God doesn't exist and because I said so and everyone else is an idiot.

/r/Negareddit Thread