The Anti-Trans 'Gender-Critical' Movement Is Overflowing with Bullshit

I believe that gender should not be included in any laws, or at the very least should in no way override sex.

That's because I see gender as a made up social construct/societal expectation (which it undeniably is), and an offensive, damaging and backwards one at that.

I cannot fathom why something not even real, would overrule something actually physical and biological (sex).

That is NOT specific to trans people. It's specific to gender, which trans people just happen to rely on for their argument. I genuinely came to my opinion on gender without trans people having even entered my head.

That being said though, I am supportive of anybody doing whatever they want to their own body (assuming safeguards are in place), and I want waiting times for trans people reduced, and support to be available (but just that replacing gender with sex in law is a big no, no).

That is my political view on the matter. It's not out of hate. It's out of what I perceive to be logic.

My personal view is that I am okay to call anybody whatever name or pronoun they want. If my colleague Bob came to work tomorrow wearing a dress and calling himself a woman... I'd act normally, treat them well, and would even go as far as to stand up for them if I saw them bullied.

But Bob is still a man. I cannot believe otherwise. It is not just not logical IMO. He should not be allowed to change to woman on legal documentation etc, because it is literally untrue.

That's not out of hate, it's just out of what I perceive to be logic.

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