Anti-trans zealots, know this: history will judge you

So "ohh bill, they are a great guy"...that sounds right to you?

Being realistic in the real world If he worked at subway or what ever is just call the person he or she and be on my way. If he looked like a woman is call him a her, I'd then get shouted at at which point is either walk away, not use pronouns or if I just couldn't be arsed with the conversation I'd just call them what ever they wanted me to do until I could get out of the room.

I litterally have no idea what you mean by intersex? As in a hermaphrodite? What do you mean non binary, by definition you are either a 1 or a 0 no? Or trans people are a "1 trapped in a 0 body" right? Like there is no "dragon gender" or whatever.

I'm saying that in my head they would be what their genetalia dictates but in order for me to not be called a bigot or for me to get my coffee id call them what ever they want. The difference is between my thoughts and what I can say. I'm genuinely having a pretty open and honest conversation with you here and I appreciate it because you're probably the one in a million person on this Reddit that will have this conversation in a civil way without resorting to name calling.

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