Anti-Vax mom

I'm not antivaxxer and my kids got the HPV vaccine when they were twelve. I, however, would advice you to do your research about the HPV vaccine. For one of thing, there are over one hundred types of HPV that can because cervical cancer and the vaccine only protects you from one or two of those viruses. Getting the vaccine doesn't mean you won't ever get cervical cancer from HPV. For another thing, the vaccine is quite painful and it's not just one shot. It's three. Talk to your doctors and do your research before you get it. The flu shot is an absolute no brainer because the flu kills young AND old and in between. I've had the flu twice and it included a hospital stay. Both lasted a good long month. Flat on your back. On a side note, make sure you also get the dTap vaccine because pertussis is on the rise and tetanus is no picnic.

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