The anti-vax movement is effectively reversing decades of progress in disease prevention

Can we define or debunk what the anti vax people are saying? For example, there are bad side effects to certain vaccines because soldiers in the military can be affected by certain side effects that are well documented. Anthrax vaccines side effects don't feel good... What about the anti malaria drug causing brain damage?

There's one thing I know from dealing with meds as a patient which it seems the pharmaceutical companies take away one symptom but replace it witj another symptom that usually is solved with another pill or shot that could create more problems.

There's one thing the anti vaccination people state is why the government can't be trusted for several reasons. Once again, one of those reasons is when companies like Fentanyl give millions to prevent Cannabis legalization and not a single person notices. We got millions of Chronic Pain suffers can't get other forms of pain relief because of government regulation, or laws. Oh,what about side effects from spinal cord injections...

Come on... I feel like there's more political scrutiny and not actually conclusive scientific research asking the right questions. Just certain questions to serve a political motive.

I bet if research digs a little deeper... I bet Chronic Pain can lead people to harder drugs. My one friend who liked pills because of Chronic Pain eventually overdosed on heroin and he was a veteran. Anyways, when science going to ask the right questions and not certain questions to fit a political narrative.

/r/EverythingScience Thread Link -