Anti-vaxxers should forgo ventilators, German doctor says: A German geneticist has said those who turn down the new COVID-19 vaccine should carry a note also refusing intensive care treatment. He also said medical decisions should not be left to conspiracy theorists

That depends. Have you attended a political rally? Gone to a concert or other large scale gathering? Knowingly dined inside at a restaurant that was above capacity?

At some point one of my asshole coworkers it going to get me sick, one in particular likes to take his mask off in our shared workspace and doesn't clean fucking anything. When I get sick is it morally right for me to be possibly denied health-care because hospitals are flooded with people who think this is still a fucking joke or hoax? I get that it's a slippery slope, but that applies to the other side of this too that will refuse vaccination. Anti vaxers don't get zero consequences for their actions.

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