antidepressants and daydreams

I’m bipolar, and they had me on Olanzapine f(an antipsychotic) or awhile. (My doctors don’t know about my daydreams, it’s been my secret since I was a little kid and I’m not about to tell them) My daydreams stopped interfering with my day to day life, but my life wasn’t much but flat affect sleeping eating and going to work.

I obsessively imagined that someone ripped my soul out of my body and locked it in a dark room with a screen showing what my body was doing. It was horrifying. I was watching a thing with my name and face shamble around from place to place blank and empty. Dream me was screaming and crying and cold.

It accumulated in real life me breaking down in front of a toilet seat at 3am flushing my pills and crying my eyes out. I found out the hard way that withdrawal daydreams are terrible. I softened them a bit with good old fashioned THC, but the whole thing was a ride.

/r/MaladaptiveDreaming Thread