Antivaxxers who are fully vaccinated against everything else but now refuse to get the covid vaccine, why?

I don't understand this.

Why is time a factor? If 2 people are given a problem to solve and one person figures it out in an hour but the other person figures it out in one minute, is one solution more correct than the other?

Plus, think of the vast amount of resources that were (are?) focused on finding vaccines to end a global pandemic. Maybe this would speed things up? And isn't science and technology getting better (and faster) all the time?

Or do you mean approval time? If so, all of the rigorous testing has been completed by (how many?) health agencies around the world. Vaccines have passed. We're good.

Or do you mean time to manufacture and distribute?

I don't get it.

Do you think all the government's of the world are lying along with scientists and doctors? Is it a massive conspiracy by the actual experts and governments?

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent