The Antiwar Comic: No Good Guys

Idiotic comic. The message basically is "We should not have intervened, but we should have.. or shouldn't we? Dun dunn duuun"

If you go for a message, go for one. Don't attack all sides but leave out what you would have done.

Assad is the polar opposite of what libertarianism stands for, that's not even up for questioning. But he's not our problem.

If the UN and especially Europe feel so unbelievably threatened by Syria and Russia, why for fucks sake can't they just once fight their own wars? Europe (as in the European Union) has 200mio more inhabitants than the US and has significantly more cash reserves than we have. Why do we have to invest hundreds of millions, and if a war erupts, billions if not trillions, just to have every European government shit on everything we did all over again?

Why do we have to send ressources and an ungodly amount of money around the globe to fight "agressors" Europe literally borders (Russia, for example).

We shouldn't. We fight their wars and the thank you we get is "Ohmygod look at these dumb Americans investing in their military instead of infrastructure (or what have you) - but while we're at it... could you please topple this government for us. We want to fight wars but we can't be bothered to put our money where our mouths are"

Tl,Dr Assad is a turd, but we need to stop fighting wars for other countries

/r/libertarianmeme Thread Link -