Antiwork - what is your desired outcome?

I honestly have a hard time quantifying these on my own, but I’ll try my best to answer honestly and respectfully. They’re more complicated questions than I think they initially seem.

I think there’s a strong economic argument to be had as to if raising minimum wage is a bandaid to a deeper problem stemming from, if not largely exacerbated by government spending/printing money/inflation. It’s certainly a helpful short term solution, but ignoring the consequences of continually doing this doesn’t seem like the best idea.

I think today a lot of complicated, involved, heavy responsibility positions that require nuanced skill and understanding can be done in 20hr weeks.

On the flip side, I agree working fast food can be stressful but it’s a relatively unskilled job that doesn’t and shouldn’t command the compensation of the other. I think if you want to work 20hrs a week and can supplement your desired lifestyle, go for it. I don’t think it’s immoral to want to work less, but I’m not sure it’s reasonable to expect to supplement a life on 20hrs of entry level unskilled work. I think if you lived in a shack in the woods and answered to no man you’d work way more than 12 hrs a day to stay alive, so I don’t think that’s necessarily capitalism being oppressive to someone.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent