Antonio Herrera pls Universal Bayonet axe, Also could be restricted to shotguns

Except that isn't what happened. He was a 17 year old child that illegally carried an illegally acquired gun across state lines. Someone, a third party, fired a shot in the air. Someone saw the kid with his rifle at the ready and thought he was an active shooter, they tried to disarm him, and got shot and died. Then, at that point, everyone had every reason to believe he WAS an active shooter given that he just shot and killed someone before their eyes and was running from a crowd. Someone else tried to disarm him, got shot, and died. Let us not forget that the kid throws up the stupid 4chan "white power" meme sign and associates with literal white nationalists. Yes, it's tragic, and there's a case to be made for him, but there's no doubt that he was being a complete moron and had no business being there with a gun.

I say all of this as a gun owner, 2A and self defense advocate.

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