Anxious about college

Hey, first of all congrats getting into college. If it makes you feel any better everyone feels the same way the first couple of weeks when they transition into their college lifestyles. Soon, you won't even be anxious about the thoughts you have now because you'll be worried about other things like exams, making friends, and just straight up surviving day to day. I don't know if what I said will add to your anxieties, but what I mean is that you'll soon adapt to your new environment astonishingly quickly. Human beings are just like that. As for your other worries like did I choose the right major, school, etc., don't even stress about it. I know they make you choose your major before entering, but plenty of people change their major at any stage of their education (ofc this highly depends on your financial situation), and I've personally known way too many people that got a bachelor's in something and went back to school to study something completely different. One dude I know studied nursing and got a masters in accounting after turning 30. You're too young to know what you want to do, but that doesn't mean you should try your best to seek out what it is that you want to do or see yourself doing in the future. Talk to professors, new classmates, and do your due diligence into making sure what major might be right for you, but never forget that you can decide to do something else. I studied accounting myself personally and right now I'm interviewing with many comoanies for basically anything that sounds interesting which that doesn't involve accounting. As for your choice in school, once you get your first job literally no one cares where you went to school. I've worked with people that went to public, private, low and high ranking, and even for profit fake universities and it literally does not matter (unless you are going into law or medicine) . No one cares, no one talks about it, and you shouldn't either. Again it's really your first job that matters, so hopefully that eases your worries somewhat. I hope this comment helped you somewhat, and I wish you the best of luck. Try to make the most of it and don't let your anxiety take over you.

/r/Anxiety Thread