Anxious/nervous about bf and I quitting weed for good

I have stopped smoking weed many times and personally it's the first two weeks that you will have some cravings to smoke again. But no worries, if you have prepared for the cravings then it's a piece of cake to stop smoking. My personal weapon of choice for the cravings is ice cream! The thing is to trick your brain with a dopamine kick from something else than weed. Also is good to have something really good healthy food on your fridge all the time and eat regularly.

It's good thing that you have someone quitting with you and supporting your thing. I would recommend that you two start cooking together. Make an apple pie or something. Learn something new together that you two are both interested. Remember to exercise and go outside. Stay busy that's the most important thing. Remember it's only two weeks and it's so much more easier after that!

/r/leaves Thread