Anxious, unmotivated, hopeless

You are basically me, except I'm three years older.

I'm hesitant to go to a therapist because it'd mean admitting to my parents (still live at home despite being 23) that something might seriously be wrong. Anyway, I hardly have motivation to do things beyond playing video games, reading, watching tv/movies, and listening to music, lots and lots of music. Basically, I like escapism. The things I would have wanted out of life are pretty much unattainable at this point for various reasons, so I feel like there's no point to having a future if it's just gonna be some shitty grind to keep breathing.

100%, except I already was at a therapist. Parents don't know of it because I don't want any helpless attempts that influence me and don't actually help me.

but even showing up to classes I sit silent through makes me nervous. I pretty much never leave the house except for class or the rare visit with friends.


How do people do this? How do I live for something more than escaping myself and reality when the only two things I wanted are things that can't come true?

I'm asking myself the same. I sadly can't offer you anything. But I'm still sending you good thoughts.

/r/depression Thread