Any advice for a 20 year old?

1.) Time: Finite. Use it wisely. Time moves regardless if you are lazy or not.

2.) Money: Save, Invest and avoid spending frivolously. Understand different asset classes. Understand taxes, CPF, and insurance(Some insurance agents are only salesman, so it's better to know your shit). Nobody cares about your money more than you. Understand the math. Avoid getting rich-quick schemes. If you want to trade, understand that no trading course can teach you that.

4.) Take a degree that is relevant to your career. Don't study for the sake of the paper. Study with a purpose.

3.) Career: Depends if you want to be an entrepreneur, self-employed, or high-salary worker. Each has its pros and cons. Speak to people who are practitioners as every trade is different. Focus is the key as every year is a compounding effect on your career.

4.) Relationships: Be selective. You are the sum of your five friends. Pick your GF/BF wisely. Have casual sex if you are not conservative, but remember to use protection. If you are scared of pregnancies or STDS. Avoid it. Life is short cherish the people around you.

5.) Health: Take care of your body. Some illnesses are not reversible. No amount of money can solve that. Occasional torture is fine, but not too excessive.

6.) Vices:

Drinking: Okay, helps in social events and dates. but this depends on your body too. Smoking: Avoid, but what if you are curious about

Smoking: Hmm, I am not sure, the cost is greater than the benefits. Some people found great friends or opportunities around smoking corners. Stop at 1 stick? Or maybe don't even pick up the habit.

XXX: Avoid. It could be a time, money, emotional, health or money sink. Could be applied to FWB. Subjected to debate.

Addictions: Try to avoid it.

7.) Life / Thinking: It's impossible to know everything. Always listen to different people with different perspectives. Learn to agree to disagree. Nobody knows everything as we are still stumbling through life.

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