Any advice for dealing with pulling away during stressful times in a LDR?

I went through something similar with my SO earlier this summer, although I wasn’t triggered about what he was going through.

When someone is going through something emotional, stressful or tough, sometime they need to process on their own. This isn’t a gender thing, anyone can do this, and it can happen a fair bit in LDR because more often than not people don’t want to talk about stressful stuff with their partner when their quality time is limited.

I think the best, and only thing, you can do is stop making it about whatever makes you feel better and rather focus on supporting your partner in the manner they need. You are allowed to feel some sort of way about whatever it is that’s going on but part of being an adult is learning when expressing that reaction is helpful or hurtful, if it’s constructive to the situation or not.

But above all else, I would stop focusing in on all the weirdness as a sign of it being bad. Of course your interactions are going to be weird when he’s not feeling like himself.

/r/LongDistance Thread