Any advice for a new Symmetra player?

Literally, do the exact opposite of everything listed in that video and you will have better outcomes in games. The man does not know how to play Symm.

With the new Symm: - Use the shield gen 95% of the time, on defense can even see if someone wants to go torb for the first point then use shield gen 100% of the time as Shield depletes before armor so everyone becomes a tank. - At the start of defense (depending on map) set up all your turrets on the wall where they spawn. This gives you ~20% charge for free and by the time they break you should have 5-6 turrets ready to be replaced at the chock - Continuing off of that above, place your turrets at the choke first every time. Before you decide to place them randomly, see how your opponents play. If they have flankers, go out and spread them out around the point. If they tend to focus on breaking the choke point keep reseting your turrets around it - Most important thing, once your shield gen is up, don't be afraid to flank (On attack), act like a winston.

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