Any art therapist or anyone in this sub who wants to give me an opinion on my art? Not al much on technique but on what you think about it in general i guess? Here are screenshots of my ig “portfolio?” :)

We could spend months and years discussing everything in here. The few things that initially jumped out to me were: 1) the need to show everything all at once instead of a few at a time or one central painting. Psychoanalysts would view this as “anal-expulsive.” The painting of the thinking man explosively shitting provides confirmatory evidence. This may indicate a chaotic, messy, or destructive personality. 2) The use of black. Often means death, loss, hurt. Subject is most likely vulnerable to depressive episodes with bouts of sub-clinical levels of hypomania. Central themes about self may include: “There is something essentially bad or inadequate about me.” “Someone or something essential for my well-being has been irretrievably lost.” “I am inadequate, needy, impotent.” Themes of others may include: “People who really get to know me will eventually reject me.” “Others are powerful, but I need (and may resent) their care.”

Thank for sharing and your courage to share it here and being open to feedback. This post spoke to me so thank for the opportunity to explore these themes with you :)

/r/ArtTherapy Thread Link -