Any boy who is being raised without a present father figure is being deprived of a fundamental part of his development.


Negative impacts only exist when shitty single parents shy away from ... "if you can't beat them, find someone who will beat them for you" and instead take the "can't beat them, join em" route!

Kid asks you some shit, you ain't go the answers, you don't shy away from the subject... Find someone who knows the answers, get the answers and answer the damn kid. Ergo, why lots of kids have zero knowledge about sex ed from home coz parents aren't discussing shit with their kids. Kid engages in risky behavior, parents be like Pikachu shocked face... Mofo, what did you think was going to happen when the kid gets all hot and bothered and didn't have the tools deal with said situation?

/r/unpopularopinion Thread Parent