Any Childfree couples in Louisville?


I really appreciate you and your husband reaching out. I feel like the majority of louisville is adamantly about childrearing, so it's nice to find people that are of similar mindset.

I sent your husband a ridiculously long message explaining my situation, but I will give you the TL;DR of it.

Basically, I just got out of a relationship where I was a fencesitter and my girlfriend at the time is adamantly childfree. The only reason I got out of it was because my family and friends were stating that it would be the right move because "Wouldn't it be nice if you had the option to have kids later?"

I then threw myself into Childfree research, coming to the rational decision that it's absolutely insane to have children in this day and age and that it may not be a fulfilling experience for myself.

However, I'm having trouble dealing with the fears of "missing out", not spreading my genes, and who's going to take care of me when I'm older?

Thanks to my research, I realize that these reasons are selfish in nature and irrational.

However, I'm wondering how others have dealt with any similar fears.

Do you mind telling me your experience with this?

/r/Louisville Thread Parent