Have any of you ever had Jesus/God/Angel to you in a dream?

Yes. I've met an angel in a dream and my mom had a vision of God. The topic of both was my younger brother who suffers several birth defects, one of which is profound mental retardation.

When he was an infant, my mother was overwhelmed with dealing with all of it, including the dawning truth he would never get better. In her dream, she was sitting in our living room - imagine a 70s style ranch with a big picture window - and a pillar of fire came down from the sky, which scared the holy hell out of her, so she ran to the kitchen which was at the back of the house. She could tell by the sound and the way the light moved through the house the fire was following her around the house outside. As she stood in the kitchen, fear left her, and a voice from the fire said (hope my memory is accurate): "Don't worry, little mother, you are doing fine."

In my dream, I entered a room that had a pleasant quality about it, but I was very sad. This very pretty woman rolled out on her office chair from behind a cubicle wall and started a conversation with me. (This was the angel, which at first I thought was just a pretty woman, but as the dream progressed, her true nature became more evident.) I don't recall the exact words any more, but she asked me if I was worried about my brother and if he would be OK in Heaven (when he goes, he's still alive, amazingly). I said some form of yes, and she said, go see for yourself, indicating a door. After I walked through the door, I found myself walking through a long, long series of hallways where I would occasionally come upon a handicapped person. Usually they were fine and just making their way along, but on occasion I'd encounter one who needed help, which I felt compelled to give. I have a clear memory of placing one's hand on the wall because she was blind, and needed the wall for guidance. When I did that, she smiled and went on her way. Eventually I came to another door that opened into a brightly lit room with old-time hospital beds, and my brother, completely healed and normal, was in one of them, smiling. The angel was there and wishing them all something like a happy birthday (there was even a sign on a the wall), which is why they were smiling at her. In my mind it was explained that they were all healed now and moving on to heaven, whole and happy. Last thing I remember is the angel turned and smiled at me, knowing I felt better, and I woke up. The dream was so moving I woke up with tears running down each side of my face, and had a happiness buzz that lasted days. I'm still convinced I had the honor of standing in an antechamber to heaven at the end of that dream. It still chokes me up, too, I've discovered while writing this.

/r/Christianity Thread