Any Ex-Muslims in Malaysia renounce their religion to parents/friends/etc? How did it work out? Any advice?

I made a TL;DR below if its too long.

Personally, I almost got to your stage of not believing in Islam because of the fact that I thought I was "brainwashed" by Islam and I used to not like the fact that I am a Muslim because I was born a Muslim. Although I prayed five times a day, I once had lost the the true means of me praying to God. In a way, I started rejecting Islam. But luckily, I didn't give up. I was at phase that one would call a deist. Luckily it was only a short while because I already came back to Islam. Maybe you should start asking yourself, what makes one religion true than the other? This is what I did. Because I simply thought that, if I as a Muslim believed in something that is absurd like the Prophet going into space and meeting God himself, what would make me different to that of the believers in the other religions? One thing that I could agree is that God exists. If you still believe that there is a God, I assure you to continue reading. If not, maybe you're just too quick to give up? But I hope that you are not that weak to just give up on the existence of God. Going back to my story, so what I did was I asked myself, just who is God? What makes a God, a God? Luckily being taught in a religious school before I was already taught in the concept of God. It made sense to me, even though I learnt that concept of God from the Islamic perspective. God must be something of the "absolute" or the "infinity". And this was what I thought. A God cannot be like his own creation. A God cannot be by our worldly concept. God must be different than that of His creation. So that's what I thought. So in the search of who is God, I have found the answer. But still, what makes the religion of Islam the truest of all other religion? That time, I couldn't think of a possible answer. Nothing pin points to any truth. Any religion could be true if God says so. So I made a conclusion that there is only one truth; God exists. Luckily, that night, a guy I know yg juga mcm penceramah muda which is quite knowledgeable about Islam in terms of philosophy, history, fikh, syariah suddenly came to my college that night. He occasionally comes for usrah here but it was really surprising that he came that night out of all the usual nights that he came visit my college. So due to me wanting to really know whether the religion that I "believe" in is the truest, I quickly asked him, "Apa yang membuatkan Islam itu benar?". Then he asked me to clarify it. So I told him that I believe in the concept of God by the concept of "infinity". And then I don't know how suddenly I could come up with this statement which is the key answer to my question but I still couldnt find the answer. The statement was, "If I believe in 'this' concept of God, then the religion that worships that 'God' must be true." Just quickly after that, he gave me an answer so simple that it just blew my mind that time. His answer was "Tuhan itu Esa". His short and simple answer had destroyed all my doubts and questions about Islam. He then referred to Surah Al Ikhlas to the first verse which says, "Katakanlah; Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa." This was the exact proof that Islam is TRUE. The further verses in that exact surah explains clearly why is Islam truer than any other religion. After that meet up with him, my heart felt so pleased and warm like never before. It was like witnessing the truth because I could finally believe in my religion because I know exactly and I can prove without any doubt that this religion is true and Allah is the only God. To me, it didn't matter how a religion plays out, I mean, God can just set the religion anyhow He likes, what matters most is that I am worshipping the true God. Well, this is my story. How about yours? Does your journey towards finding your creator ends there? ;)

TL;DR This is my journey towards finding the truest religion. Don't just give up on God just because a religion or the people are not what you expect them to be.

Note: Sorry if I have unintentionally offended any other religious believers. This is my answer, my experience and my story. You may disagree but this is my truth.

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