Any experiences with the Body Bible by Nile Wilson?

It includes work for joint health (shoulders and wrist), flexibility (splits mostly), warming up, recovery, nutrition, mindset, and skills (muscle up, handstand, planche, front lever, back lever, flag, straddle L, straddle press, and the iron cross is coming), and also a way to put it all together, so it is very complete. BUT I do find it unrealistic in many progressions and the jumps in between. There is no "base work" such as dips, chin ups and such like the RR has (there is a top 10 conditioning exercises which is excellent, but I guess advanced for most people). So for me I would use it mostly for skill acquisition (they provide good circuits and levels for each skill) but not as a complete program. And yes, there is no leg strength! So with some modifications it gives ALMOST all that's needed, but not everything (in my opinion). The flexibility part is incomplete, they do provide routines for the splits, but I believe for adults it won't be enough, because most need to understand and use powerful methods like loaded stretches or ballistics, and in there is no talk about how to stretch (which most people don't know). I think the whole program is excellent, and it would depend on the type of person. If you are good just following something, then it is great, but myself I need more info and a method or structure behind that I don't clearly see here.

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