Any forums for white/interracial parents raising black/mixed children?

Black mom, white dad, two fair skinned babies. This is a really, really good point I have never considered. Both my husband and I were born and raised in the States so while we are not mixed ourselves, between the two of us we can offer insight on any racial events they come across. I never thought about what that would be like for mixed kids not from this country.

I personally don’t know of any forums, even the mixed race subreddit seems to be more for the mixed race people themselves, but I can suggest educating yourself. While that can be done via the internet/books about how your area has treated POCs, it can also mean reaching out to POC parents near you.

I’ve had friends of mixed kids that reach out to me to ask about certain nuances their kid has discovered (like being called a mutt) to help better understand the situation and how to go about dealing with it.

I would make an effort to be friendly with people from here so you feel more comfortable asking the sensitive questions. I personally have no issue with a random parent asking me about issues in the name of being there for their child. We are all in this together and awareness is a key factor in creating a better world for us all.

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