Any German gays here? Need help with some vocabulary:


  1. Can I go a little bit faster? --> Kann ich etwas schneller?

2- Does it hurt? ---> Tut (es) weh?

3- Turn around --> Dreh dich (um)

4- Spread your legs. --> Mach die Beine breit

5- tell me, if it hurts: sag mir, wenn es weh tut

6- ride me. --> Reite mich

7- watch out for the teeth: (or I can just say: Zähne, sei vorsichtig ) or just Zähne or Vorsicht Zähne!

8- Can I go for another round? --> kann ich nochmal? Noch eine Runde?

9- I'm cumming/you're cumming? --> Ich komme / Kommst du?

10- spread your cheeks

11- open up --> (I assume mouth? ) Mund auf / Mach auf / aufmachen

12- lift your ass / lower your ass --> Arsch höher/runter

13- lick it --> Leck dran / Blas mir einen

14- you feel so good (I mean, hopefully, he'll feel as good as he looks...) --> Du fühlst dich so gut an

15- I'm gonna eat your ass until you beg me to stop (I'm stealing this line from another thread). --> that's actually a difficult one, but most likely something along the line of: Ich leck dich solange bis du mich anflehst aufzuhören

Hope it helps If you got any question, just write


/r/gaybros Thread