Any idea how I can get this old slime stain out? Have tried vinegar, shampooing the carpet, resolve and elbow grease, no luck. It’s greasy.

Mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and a drop of dish soap (everyone suggest blue dawn dish soap, but I’ve found others work fine!) into a paste, scrub it into the stain then wipe clean with a wet wash cloth.

Repeat once more, but this time let the paste sit for an hour or so before rinsing with wet wash cloth. Sometimes I’ll speed up the drying process with a hair dryer or fan to see results quicker. If you are noticing the stain is getting lighter, then repeat process until it’s all gone :)

I’ve gotten grease and wood oil stains out my ex’s shirts/pants with this method, should work on carpet or at least will not cause any damage or discoloration! Good luck :)

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