Any ladies on here that don't shave their legs? If so, how do you deal it?

Honestly I just shave when I feel like it, usually because I want to feel smooth. Sometimes during the summer I shave a bit more often so it's not super noticeable, but it's really not one of my priorities anymore unless I'm in a new relationship.

If someone gives you dirty looks, just smile or laugh. Or wave, waving makes people uncomfortable because it points out they don't have any business eyeing up your body. If someone says something, tell them it is just hair, and they should worry about their own body, not yours. For anyone who says it is gross or unladylike, point out it's just body hair that all mammals have, and men aren't considered gross for having leg hair, why should we? Anyone who has a big issue might be stuck in past gender expectations. The only exception in my opinion is a serious SO, and even then you still have to decide if you're willing to compromise.

Leg hair is literally just like having arm hair or eyebrows. It's natural, it's supposed to be there, and it's not nasty. The only reason to shave is a reason you think is important. Personally, I don't think any of the reasons I'm expected to shave are actually important enough for me to devote my time to them. When I do shave, it's because I like the look better or the smoothness, not because "hairy legs are gross," etc. The people who think it's gross to have body hair have probably never examined the reasons why they believe that. If asked, they would probably say something like it is not feminine, it is not attractive, it feels rough, etc. But they likely have no valid explanation for why it's unattractive or not feminine, and that's because those beliefs are rooted in gender expectations, which when brought to light are a pretty shitty reason for doing something you don't want to do.

Own it, OP. It's your body; do whatever you want. I also had a bf who didn't care about leg hair, and it rocked not having to worry about something so trivial.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread