I'll be more specific, but may use terms you are unfamiliar with:
There are 3 classes, and each class has 2 abilities. The more supporty ones are:
Warlock Healing Rift - Heals players
Warlock Empowering (Damage) Rift - Gives players more damage
Titan Barricade - Covers your whole body
Titan Rally Barricade - Chest high barricade, but instantly reloads weapons when you get behind it
In addition, each class has "Supers" or Ultimates; those beneficial to the team are:
Warlock Well of Radiance - Combination of Healing and Empowering Rift, more powerful, much larger
Hunter Shadow Shot - Tethers all enemies to a single point, spreads damage to all enemies chained, may allow crit damage
Titans also have a melee ability that increases damage done to enemies they hit.