Have any moms experience one birth with medication and one without?

I've only had one, I'm a FTM. I was induced and went unmedicated, I had no tearing and a very positive experience! I'm 4 weeks out and had nearly no pain, only mild discomfort for one week but it was managed with Tylenol.

I may be rare and this is only an anecdote.** I read Ina May and only read positive birth stories which I attribute to my can-do feelings around my labor. I had positive affirmations but didn't read/ use them, I only had to remind myself I could do anything for one minute and my body was made to do this. I refused to read anything negative as I feel it wouldn't prepare me as much as scare me as I am prone to overthinking and anxiety. I would recommend Ina May and seeking positive stories.

However you deliver, I wish you a healthy baby and easy delivery!

/r/BabyBumps Thread