Any other AntiGamerGate converts?

(tw: assault)

I am not "pro"-Gamergate by any measure. Sexism and portrayal of minorities in media is actually incredibly important, and I feel that many GamerGate supporters oppose any research or discussion or anything in that field. In addition, GamerGaters tend to defend and enable the transphobic, racist, or sexist views of others like Milo, and that is not okay.

But claiming that everyone who is concerned about ideological colonization of media is somehow "misogynist/homophobic/sexist/etc" is evidently incorrect. The viewpoint that I would have liked to have seen would be for people to call out the abusive, sociopathic behaviours in both "Gamergate" and the "Antis"... the former has a problem with MRAs and other assorted douchebags, the latter has a problem with SJWs, and other assorted douchebags, but there are too few voices within either group working on fixing their own group's failings. Both the "for" and "against" arguments for GamerGate are too nebulous, and both contain opinions and people that are abhorrent.

The thing that keeps me lurking this sub from time to time is that the "antis" are part of that whole horrible, disgusting, and downright dangerous SJW clique/movement that have been fucking with myself and things I care about (Being seriously targeted by SJWs is the most horrible thing to ever happen to me- and I've been drugged and raped, and survived a hideously violent domestic relationship besides). I know for a fact that people who post on anti-GG subs have defended serial rapists at my college solely on the basis the dude wasn't white. They actively make everything unsafe for everyone, in queer groups, in feminist groups, in progressive circles everywhere, and so I have a very strong interest in understanding anyone standing against them even if I don't agree with nine tenths of the things posted here.

If anyone read this, the following pretty much sums up how I feel about GG and the people opposed to it:

/r/KotakuInAction Thread