Any other male librarians transition out of traditional librarianship and into another related ‘information sciences’ field because of societal judgements (not to mention salary considerations)?

deal with the stereotypes a lot, it's better than the constant harassment that a lot of my female colleagues get.

^ Public service - really, working with people in any capacity at all - is going to be challenging. Making it less than 3 years before bailing makes me think another student went to library school without realizing they'd still need to deal with people. Maybe saying this makes me an asshole but he hasn't given any examples of severe, ongoing mistreatment that remotely compares to what women deal with all the time. Refusing to answer 3+ times makes me think this is just buyer's remorse.

If you don't want to deal with it that's fine but let's be clear - that should have been a consideration before grad school and women handle this like pros every day. Not trying to invalidate his feelings, just pointing out he isn't in any situation that I have any reason to think is somehow egregiously worse at this point.

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