Do any other males RP as a female character?

tl;dr: Personally, I would say the main difference is language.

The biggest different, in my opinion, comes in terms of endearment. Terms of endearment are almost a completely female-dominated category; you'll virtually never hear a male calling any "hon" unless it's their girlfriend/etc while females will use that term on many people up to and including people they just met. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, you will almost never hear a women giving someone a derogatory nickname, which is a common activity for males.

As far as affirmations go, you're much more likely to find a male just saying "yeah" while women tend towards "yes", "mhm", and "uh-huh". (And men are something like 3 times more likely to say "uh" than a woman is, but women beat men on "uh-huh" by a very narrow margin.)

And some words in general are just more often found in a woman's vocabulary than in a mans. Words like "goodness" and "gosh" are also almost completely dominated by women in terms of usage, with 5-6 times as many women using those words as men do.

When it comes to family, women are almost 400% more likely to talk about a daughter, about 280% more likely to talk about their son, and something like 260% more likely to talk about children in general.

And when it comes to talking about others, men more often talk about other men and women more often talk about other women, with men saying "he" more often than women and women saying "she" more often than men.

In one study done by a researcher out of Australia as part of her doctoral thesis on gaming culture, it was discovered that men are something like 9 times more likely to make random noises ("letter spam", I think it was called in the thesis) while waiting for something to happen, like when waiting for a raid to start. (On an semi-related side-note, males are also more than 5 times as likely to make their online avatars run around pointlessly while waiting for something to happen. Both of these things seem to make patience while waiting an almost entirely female characteristic.)

And, for any ladies that may be reading this, men lead in the number of times saying "what". I'm sure you understand why that is. ;-) (It's true that men say "what" more often, but this comment has been made in jest. So laugh, damn it!)

Knowing just a few of these things, one can adapt their language to the other gender and more efficiently and successfully impersonate the opposite gender. It worked for me for years, so it should work for others.

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