Any other moms surviving pregnancy without their anxiety meds??

Anxiety in pregnancy can hurt YOU, and YOU still matter!

The good news is that there are well studied, safe medications that you can take, so hang in there, there is hope.

In the meantime, here are some tactics to add to your anxiety toolkit to help take the edge off.

  • Exercise. This can be tough if you’re feeling shitty, but even a little exercise can have an immediate effect on your anxiety. Don’t overthink it - it coukd be 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym, a pregnancy pilates video on YouTube, a walk around the block etc. Just something to get your heart rate up and your body moving.

  • Add water. A swim, a bath, a hot cup of tea. Pick whichever is most accessible to you.

  • Now is the time to download a meditation app. I like Calm.

  • Weighted blankets can really help when you’re in the thick of things.

  • Boring NPR podcasts. For some reason i find it really calming to just have someone talking ij the background.

Anxiety is hortible, but there is hope. Good luck!

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