Any other nomads struggling with family judgement during the holidays?

Not me but my wife (we are both DNs). She comes from a family working in the diplomatic world. It's full of rules and social conventions, but it's hard to explain to what extent everything you do in life is controlled and follows strict rules if you've not experienced it. Think like if the Queen of the UK wanted to be a DN instead (a bit exaggerated, but you get the point).

The reaction of her family was insane. I've never seen so much hate and condescension in my life. If she listened to them she is an absolute loser that failed in life miserably. This was particularly shocking coming from a family used to control everything they say, even in private. But even way before we started becoming DNs I could feel their parents were extremely toxic, and that it had nothing to do with their "status". They were just terrible parents.

With toxic people there is usually no other choice than to ignore them. She feels incredibly better now that she talks with them only once a year for their birthday.

/r/digitalnomad Thread