Do you have any realistic ideas on how to solve the rising male loneliness problem?

Being single as a unattractive male should not be a bad thing. We should make it a norm and not shame men who can't get any.

Of course it shouldn't be a bad thing (unless the man is unhappy & lonely). Single unattractive women are called spinsters and cat ladies. This is not a 'men only' thing. However, men are less likely to be judged than women for being single (esp as they age!), still I understand it must be a shitty feeling.

However I will say, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." People aren't going to change their opinions on how you fit in or don't fit in with societal expectations. The only thing YOU can do is find acceptance in your present state, and show them that you are doing just fine as you are, and that there are other ways to live.

I can't carry a baby to term - it sucks and I can't change it. I often compare myself to others (mostly women) who have successfully met the cultural expectation of marrying and having lots of babies. I often feel like a failure because of this. It's something I work through with therapy. The stronger & more confident I become in accepting the path ahead of me, fortunes & misfortunes and all, the better example I can be for society to see that other paths are allowed to be taken in life. This can be said for single people as well, or anyone who doesn't 'fit in' with cultural norms.

We should as a society focus on developing coping mechanisms to help the men accept this fact and live happy lives despite being sexually undesirable.

No one is going to help you except you, so I'd suggest seeking therapy. Therapy will help you accept this "fact", and at the same time help you improve on the problem. If you become a 'niceguy' that's on you for not bettering yourself and for letting your hate consume you.

Do you have any realistic ideas on how to solve the rising male loneliness problem?

I don't know why someone would be perpetually single except that there might be some deep inner work to be done with therapy, or some problem with their current attitudes or personality, or that they're seeking women out of their league? I was just out for a Valentines day dinner the other night and I swear to you, ALL around me were couples who all were physically unattractive & overweight, but who totally looks matched. It wasn't full of chads and stacies. So I'm wondering how did they find love despite being unattractive? They looked happy, too!

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