Any recommended Buddhist readings for a depressed drug addict?

this might sound judgemental, but I hope it doesn't, because I'm in the same boat as you. are you still on your addiction? I, unfortunately, currently am. My experience is this: reading Buddhist texts while you're still in that situation of consumption might help, but if you're in the throes of it it can very simply cut down your mental resources. This is because Buddhism takes---and I think this is what makes it attractive for addicts, as well---a very simple view, in a sense, that what you "consume" or frequent actually engenders your way of being in the world and your state of mind. For an addict in the midst of it this can be I think really distressing, because even if we see the clear fact of that, addiction is a physical and mental compulsion---I think in buddhist terms you could call it a skandha, or an aggregate, maybe, a formation.

This is why the Buddha stressed the three Jewels. Actually, Thanissaro Bhikku had a great essay re: this in Noble Dharma---why you need not just the philosophy or thought of Buddhism, but also the practice of meditation and the support of a Sangha. The Refuge of the three, the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha is a beautiful thing specifically because when you find that one is not sufficient, another can be there to reinforce you.

I strongly recommend Noah Levine's Refuge Recovery, Thich Nhat Hanh's "The HEart of the Buddha's Teaching", and the aforementioned Thanissaro Bhikku text, which I think is free on And no worries if you read me admitting that I'm in the midst of a relapse right now and went "well, I'm not gonna listen to that guy!" At this moment in my life I'm somewhat radically cut off from a Sangha, but I'll be fixing that in a few days, and I'm excited.

/r/Buddhism Thread