Any suggestions?

Hmm, before CoD MW was released I used to play Ironsights and World War 3. I have not played those games in a long time so I am not sure if my review is still relevant at the time of this writing.

Ironsights by WipleGames available on Steam for Asia region and on AeriaGames for EU region

This is a Blatant F2P ripoff of CoD, I normally fucking despise copycats but I made an exception for this one.


There is a joke that Ironsights was made by former CoD players who ragequitted and decide to make their own CoD. The map and weapon balancing is perfect.

Feels more CoD than CoD for old-school CoD players who hates the newer CoD with advanced movements, jetpacks and hero abilities


Not a fan of those cliche games ripoffs with overly sexualized female characters

Occassional hackers

Occassional shitty netcode that makes you die from an enemy you just kill a second ago

F2P Monetization can be a bummer. Weapons and equipments are rented and require some grinding to unlock permanantly. Luckily the default free weapon and equipment are competitively viable, so you are just grinding for variety. There is also weapon repair cost which is really dumb as it takes away about 2% of your match income

World War 3 by Farm51,

This is what CoD's Ground War wished it was.


TTK similar to Warzone because of body armor feature. Running like a headless chicken in the open is still suicidal but the game overall feels less frustrating. Snipers need headshots to instant kill and the increased TTK meant you can lean and peek at rooms without dying immediately to a camper and you can think of alternative entries.

RPG-7 are meant for vehicles or damaging players. Only direct impacts can instant kill players

Pointstreak system so people actually play the fucking objective

Customizable vehicles and pointsteaks


Game is unpolished with quirky animations and movements because it is made by an understaffed, probably overworked indie developer

Customizable guns not as "tacticool" as CoD MW

Low playerbase ( 0-3 servers populated depending on time and region ) The game is virtually unheard of as the developers believe marketing the game at alpha testing stages will doom it.

Recently partnered with a publishing company that had a reputation of ruining games ( Think of it as the Russian equivalent of EA ) . It is still too early to tell if World War 3 will hit new heights or become crap.


/r/modernwarfare Thread