Any tips to become heartless ?

I wrote a long comment but to simplify it,

You can’t control your mind, you have to constantly fight against it.

and i think you have to try to make more of a effort to understand yourself, like why are you doing what you are doing now, why did you like watching tiktok etc

also make the switch to being super pragmatic, considering all possibilities, sensible ones not ideal ones

and then proceed to take actionable steps to achieve it

also i think a way to control the mind is look for a answer, you watching podcast now and stop watching tiktoks because you have a new answer to seek out and chase till your find it or quit it.

Now i think these answers make them more short finding answers. more case by case.

For instance to build muscle you dont have to watch a whole bunch of YouTube videos, you do push ups and sit ups and squats

or to use quick thinking, “YOU PICK UP HEAVY THINGS AND YOU PUT EM DOWN”

also in regard to losing weight you simply eat less and to stay healthy eat a balance diet and no junk food or food with a bunch of shit on it and that is CLEAN food ill say no salt or sauces aka Whole Foods raw as they come

now ehh

like discipline is the obvious answer but i dont think its real anymore, why do you wake up and go to work every day?

its not cause you are disciplined its because your effectively controlled by others and powers that be.

I want to be rich and have a mindset like such but people aorund me made it so damn difficult and now years are passing by well flying the hell by and im getting old,

knowing you will die tomorrow, would get you controlling your mind?

It often does take emotional impact to get you to change,

but try to visualize who you want to become and be and and do what he would be doing now.

What will he know? Talk To him like he got the answers, and not podcast

but im on the same path as you, i really want to go back to my comfort ways, i think im break away bit by bit but i think i want to play hard and work hard but also idle without mindless distractions thats why i think ima watch foot ball and stuff now, to fill my mind up with love for a sport the game instead of worries and so on

and maybe loving football hell of a lot will make me care less about other shit

but i have things i love and want to do, like becoming a artist, but i feel i cant maybe i need to fight against and try harder,

but im trying to not waste life anymore

i want to become a artist within a month time but people tell me its impossible and to take my time but maybe I shouldn’t listen to them and believe i can do it in one night because thats drive to have to be honest that you get results fast if your try hard

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