Any tips for crafting the i170 Crafting Tools?

I found a nice mix of the rotation I used to use for those impossible Master II Books from ARR which seems to be working out for me for the most part. On my most recent Two-Star craft I had around 60 total steps taken, with less starting CP than some of the others here however possibly higher from procs.


I am by no means an expert crafter since I divide my time among many things, but this is kinda what I've come up with and have generally had success in - I'm still trying to find a good use for the specialist skill: Trained Hand. It's incredibly hard to put down a system like this since in my experience no two Synths are the same...


Key Point: Only use Precise touch if Steady Hand is active.  

Food: I generally use HQ Seafood Stew for these extreme Synths, which is fairly cheap to make yourself.


  • Makers Mark (Adds 13 or 14 Stacks)
  • Comfort Zone
  • Whistle While you Work.
  • Inner Quiet
  • Flawless Synthesis (Until Makers Mark Depleted)
    • Use Tricks of the Trade when available
    • If you get two "Good" statuses, Satisfaction will be available - use it
    • Refresh Comfort Zone once it's off
  • Ingenuity II
    • ToT / Satisfaction.
  • Steady Hand II
    • Satisfaction / Precise Touch
  • Rapid Synthesis X 3 (This is the Major RNG Part, but failures are not the end of the world. Also how many of these you need is based on your craftsmanship.

    • Satisfaction / Precise Touch

    You may need to refresh Ingen II & Steady Hand II if things go bad (or tons of procs), but it's statistically unlikely. Just keep tabs on the remaining progress.

  • If CSII will increase progress too much with Ingenuity, use Hasty Touch until 10/70, or until Steady Hand is gone, at which point you can use one or two CSII

  • Masters Mend II


After this point, the entire process is a play on procs.

  • Use Satisfaction when Available.
  • Refresh Comfort Zone
  • Nymeia's Wheel when nearing 20/70 and you need some extra steps.
  • You should have enough for a second Masters Mend II, and yet another Masters Mend I if the proc gods are with you.


Sorry if this isn't much use - it's assuming you have taken Specialist in whichever class you are using as a means of gaining a few extra CP. I didn't meld nearly as much +CP into my gear as others, but I made it work.

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