Any updates on cyclazodone?

From Wikipedia,

"Cyclazodone is a centrally acting stimulant drug developed by American Cyanamid Company in the 1960s.  The drug is related to other drugs such as pemoline and thozalinone."

Also this, same thing just in a little more detail, from a another page,

Cyclazodone (N-Cyclopropylpemoline) is an approximately 3x - 5x more potent N-cyclopropyl derivative of Pemoline. According to patents filed by the inventors, Cyclazodone exhibited central nervous system stimulating properties and anorexigenic properties much more potent than those of Pemoline, and more potent than those of various other N-lower-alkyl-substituted Pemoline derivatives. At the same time Cyclazodone also offered a much more favorable therapeutic index and margin of safety than Pemoline and other N-lower-alkyl-substituted Pemoline derivatives.

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