Any way to stop getting bullied?

Honestly I went through the same shit throughout my life. High school was better as I wasn’t bullied during then but elementary and middle school were bad. In elementary there was this kid that was held back 2 years and stuck in the 5th who would bully basically anyone he saw. He picked on me a couple of times after picking on couple of other people and I punched him in the face. He started to cry and I got in trouble by the teacher for hitting another kid even though he constantly hit him. Then it was middle school and it was terrible. Fortunately due to soccer and Tae Kwon do i was decently athletic so I could run away and defend myself but there was this one group of eighth graders who thought they were tough shit. They would go around as a unit swarming people and taking them to bathrooms, which by the way stunk hella bad. They then gave people swirlies and humiliated them. It wasn’t until another group of eighth graders rose up and beat the absolute shit out of the bullies that both sides got suspended. But life got way better and the other side was hailed as heroes.

In short. To avoid being bullied there a couple of ways. One is to always stick with a group of friends. Bullies don’t prey on groups. Another way is to learn self defense. Bullies are cowards and won’t dare to pick on someone if that meant getting hurt. Another way is to simply tell an adult. Although the adults at my school didn’t do shit, hopefully you fare better. If you are witty, you can humiliate them in front of a crowd if the bullying is public, although that might make them more angry.

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