Anybody actually AP to go in the Akashic Hall? Or does it give you a memory wipe after you wake up?

The word akashic means aether and in mstyscim it refers to space between all things in sanskrit, it was not made by the egyptians. The actual concept without bwing broken down by the new age movement is that sound carries this information, and is shown to us in a way that is familiar with you. So you may a hall, and another may see a library, or god himself giving him the info. muslims mentioned the "records of all events that have ever happened" in their bible, that also had nothing to do with egypt.. It has nothing to do with the sphinx exclusively. No offense to people like edgar cayce but he is spreading misinformation about what the akashic records actually signify by trying to make it seem logical by pinpointing it to one physical location. Let me give you a different perspective. The akashic records is the collection of all things in this reality and all realities in existence, it is not bounded by a hall. You learn things from the akashic records by some form of spiritual practice. To list a few groups of people who did this are:indians,native americans and spirits, egyptians and gods, and even the bible where prophets receive "revelations" . When an idea pops into your head you just tapped into that same source, it is just that some people have built a stronger connection through practices like celibacy and meditation. Sometimes i goto sleep and dream of music without even attempting to make a song. You are as old as the universe and you contain its information written like a script. You dont need to travel to a chamber to receive the information. Now, i definitely know what you mean about the memory wiping, because the information you receive from it is packed in a frequency and if you cant handle it then you cant "download" it, all it really takes is practice. I used to see short glimpse of these things and they would fade away like my dreams, but i have gotten better at retaining it. So the best thing i can tell you to do is to not overthink this and make it as simple as possible. Practice peace and joy on a regular basis to speed the result up.

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