Anybody actually AP to go in the Akashic Hall? Or does it give you a memory wipe after you wake up?

Water contains memory because it maintains its structure and properties but ill take this a step further. our entire genetic code contains memory going back billions of years. Some memory is in the form of instinct and other forms of memory comes through appearance. You didnt decide to look the way you do, your genes which remember all of your ancestors did. You dont decide how food reacts with your body, your genes which contains memory does. We can go a step further though and see that atoms and particles also contain memory and specifically particles that were entangled which can interact with eachother faster than the speed of the light and retain the information of the interaction that they had with another particle as explained in bells theorem. If you accept the idea of the singularity than it is safe to assume that everything in existence has came from one thing, and if the interaction of these particles were either mostly, or all entangled then it is safe to say that nothing is ever really forgotten im this universe everything including water, is a variation of one thing that expresses itself in different ways. The whole point of string theory is to explain this, in one of the explanations describing the 10th dimension as one single point of everything in existence. I like how science is kind of catching up to these things, but the tools that they use are not advanced enough, and until they are i am going to base my understanding of my experience until science can actually get to the point of exploring things like this.

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