Has anybody had any experiences with acupuncture? It seems both effective and also like nonsense, at once.

There is essentially no scientific evidence that it's effective. It works in the same way that energy healing works, meaning it doesn't actually work but can produce a temporary reduction in symptoms due to placebo. Given that there isn't any regulated licensing body or required education to stick a bunch of needles into people which can result in infection if improperly cleaned or nerve damage if improperly inserted I would say the risks outweigh the potential benefits of placebo. And I'm honestly a little concerned about the anecdata being used to support the practice in a science-seeking subreddit, witchcraft or no. That being said, I'm a migraineur as well and I know when I'm in the throw of a several day bout of pain where I can literally do nothing but roll on my bed and moan...well I'd try anything too. If you're going to do this, please be careful and go to someone with a large number of positive reviews. I wouldn't chance it personally, but I get why you would want to.

/r/SASSWitches Thread