Has Anybody here experienced sexual Harassment in the workplace?

I've had a few managers who have called me a "faggot" while at work — one manager who I worked under as a ramp agent for Northwest, and another was a shift lead at a grocery store. Complained to HR in both situations, and nothing was done.

On the more salacious side, I had a female coworker who was making some very direct, very unwanted sexual advances towards me. I was working as an epidemiologist for a clinic, and she was a lab tech there as well. Our cubes were two apart from each other in this hellish cube farm in a repurposed medical records dungeon. There were no windows, and when it rained outside, it started raining in my cube as well — it happened regularly enough that we ran a series of tubes from the ceiling to our office plants, so we could at least recycle the water.

I would be working on something, and she'd come up behind me and smell, loudly and obviously, my hair. Just a loud SNIFFFFFFFFF right behind me. Sometimes she'd just start petting my head. She'd tell me, not in a joking way, to just be quiet and take it all in. She'd call me on the phone (from two cubes over) "just to chat." She'd call me her "little care bear" and give me little care bear figurines. She'd leave me love notes on post-its. When I made a comment about this maybe not being appropriate, she'd say "don't say that too loudly, or people will think you don't like it" ... I'd repeat that I didn't want it, and she'd say "you need to use a code word if you want me to stop." It was really weird.

A few other pieces of backstory. I had just been dumped by a red head. More orange than red. At this point in my life, I was mostly out of the "crying and watching Ally McBeal" phase, and more into the relentless bitterness stage. She had a child with one of Minnesota's top 5 most wanted criminals, who also happened to be a red head. Her child was a red head.

I was at lunch one day with her and another coworker. I don't remember what set me off, but it was a combination of feeling kinda emo and her being her — and I said to my other coworker, in front of this woman, "hey, have you ever heard of Schrödinger's Ginger?" My coworker said "no." I responded, "you put a ginger child in a box... radioactive... poison gas... and you ask yourself 'is the ginger child alive or dead?'" He said "both?" I said, "No, it's dead, because if it were alive, you'd still beat it to death."

The woman wasn't amused. She made some comment about how sad and pathetic I am; I responded saying that I was fed up with her sexual harassment, and I walked away.

Nothing happened for a month or two. Then the woman starts getting in trouble because she's lying on her time card. While on the clock, she's going to get her car out of the garage and moving it to the clinic, and then sitting on Facebook until her shift ends. They have evidence of this, and so she's being reprimanded by her boss. In the course of that, she blurts out that I talk about killing ginger children.

So, I get pulled in to a meeting with HR. One of the research managers and an HR rep sit me down in an office, and open the conversation by saying, "So, not-a-ginger, I hear you've made some comments about Redheaded Individuals?" [note: if we're going the PC route, I think the better phrase is "Individuals with Red Hair", since that puts the individual first.]

I actually lol'd. Like, laugh out loud. Right at the HR person. I just can't imagine having a job where you're expected to seriously sit someone down and ask them to explain their comments about "Redheaded Individuals" and then go back to your desk and write a report about it. I know I'm being childish making those comments, but it just amuses me that this is now documented somewhere.

The woman had said I described burying a redheaded child. I explained that, no, I simply suggested putting it in a box and then beating it to death. I explained Schrödinger's cat, and then explained that a large reason why I made those comments was the sexual harassment that I had been experiencing. I went on to describe in detail the harassment, and provided names of people who had witnessed it.

The research manager in the room found the entire situation to be pretty funny. The HR person said I should probably refrain from making comments about gingers at work, but other than that I received no disciplinary action. The woman was put on a final warning, and then dismissed for cause a few months later. I left before then to move to the Bay Area for more interesting and better paying work.

/r/gaybros Thread