Has anybody recently played or currently playing Lost Ark? How is the game nowadays?


I simply didn’t comment on rest of your so called ‘argument’ because it was so pointless and clearly showed that you don’t know about the game.

You say that roughly 11 stone is required to get the desired stone. But that’s still not a guarantee, since the numbers you copy and pasted from another comment said that you can still fail beyond that amount, because there’s no pity system in place to ensure no one goes beyond having to spend above a certain threshold.

Really? Oh no simple math copied! Am I copying someone if I said 1+1 = 2, professor? Also, why are you arguing with the math? Do you even know what average means?

Each stone costs 15 pheons, so that’s 165 pheons right there, let’s say, at minimum, to achieve a 7/7. But if you go past that amount, woops, there goes any pheons you have to buy lv 5 tripods, which take so long time to grind for naturally that people just bite the bullet and buy with their gold. And depending on your class and spec, you might need a ton of them, because even with 50% boosted chance with powder (at lv 4, don’t get me started with lv 5’s), it’s still an equal chance for failure.

I guess I hurt your feelings by not addressing this useless point. To buy those tripod, yes you need to buy them with pheons, but do you need them immediately? No. Also there something little called hope amulet in whoch they have been giving throughout the current events and other contents that literally allows you to select one tripod andgarantee to level 4. Aside from that you just need to slowly get there by doi g chaos. No one gatekeep you but yourself on that.

I’m definitely sensing a pattern here. Insulting someone’s credibility without knowing their background or history seems to your favorite way of arguing your point, isn’t it? Unfortunately, that just hurts your own side, because it shows that you can’t think of any actual points to tackle in a debate, so you go for the person behind it instead.

Apologies, but you really do not have any credibility. Sourcing ‘I hear this and that’ as to back your claims all the while confidently wrong about claiming stone success rate as bs, aruging with the math(really why?)

Unlike you, I’m going to address those points you made, however weak they are. The difference between ‘farming’ for rng drops and gambling to achieve a certain outcome for an item/gear is that for one, it costs time and little else, which can be further optimized if you have friends who can help and you help in return. It’s group activity. For example, in my other mmo, I can’t tell you how many times I and others got all the BIS gear we needed for our dps/tanks/healers because we asked for help farming them. That helps builds a sense of community and togetherness. You helped me with my drop, so if I get a drop that you want, I give it to you. Simple as that. It fosters and builds a social aspect, which is ultimately what separates an mmo from a single player game.

What kind of mental gymnastics are you performing here to get this? Community? Go find a static group that can steamroll raid. friends helping each other? Ask for unused stones and mats for honing if you got have friends that are willing to do that for you. Don’t even argue that help farming gears in other game is different because both cost their resources to help you.

LoA is different. It’s an mmo, but the only closest thing to helping one another is carrying a friend. But oh look, most people prefer to bus instead, because gold (an alternative to spending money to buy pheons) is just that valuable. Literally every single ‘rng’ gamba system that you need to partake in in order to gear your characters is SOLO activity. So not only does it cost currency, it also costs TIME to get the result you want.

Again, did really you play the game? Actually did you really played other mmo? No pots, no repair cost, travel cost and many other aspects were involved in farming the end game gear?

And you know something else? The developers in those ‘rng gear drop’ games typically will listen when the community says a certain drop is too low, or takes too much time to get. In my other mmo, there was a change that was implemented where a certain rng drop rate was boosted, while farming for a particular gear piece now operates on a ‘smart loot’ system where you only get gear from a boss or dungeon that you haven’t already got before. So there’s that. The only thing that comes close is the pity system in honing, but if that didn’t exist, nobody would keep playing and thus SG wouldn’t be profiting from further character rng-based enhancement systems like bracelets and elixers later down the line.

Yet another point to make me think that you don’t know about the game. There has been several honing buffs and events that lost ark has implented since the launch. The lastest one changed the honing cost all the way up to 1445 not costing any gold(so wrong again about requiring gold on everything).

That’s kind of yikes gatekeeping right there. You don’t take criticism against the games that you enjoy, so you like to lurk around and harass anyone who makes valid arguments against it? If you can’t see why the KR gamba rng model is different from other rng models and why the costs are different then there’s no point trying to make you see it, because you’re just that stuck in it.

This is actually my first time commenting on this sub and I rarely even comment on things, so you are wrong again, and yet so confident. I hear that stupidity and confidence is a same side of coin, you are proving it to me right now. Which of your points were ever valid? Valid points are usually backed by facts and logics, not personal opinions.

You know what’s funny though? I could spend the exact amount of money on one of those ‘boomer backwater games’ and get exactly what I aim for. I don’t have to keep gambling just to get the result that I want if I don’t succeed the first time, or the second time, or the third, at the cost of income that’s better spent somewhere else in life, or scarce in-game currency that’s already needed for almost every transaction.

This one is true. Personal satisfactions are subjective after all. You can spend a dime on things and unsatisfied with the result, or spend millions on a same thing and be satisfied. Objectly speaking, your money and time spent on any mmos are better off used on many other things. So why waste yours and mine by stating useless paragrph?

But sure, keep being condescending and arrogant over one small aspect of the major problem with these kinds of games because that attitude along with the toxicity will surely attract more new players to keep the population healthy, as well as keep older players from leaving the game once they get tired of chasing that carrot. :)

I tend to get condescending when I spot a fomo haters when in reality they are just lacking in self control, whining their disgruntled little voices out in this sub. No one said to buy them. You are the one caved in because you lack self control. Seriously.

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