Has anyone been to or heard about Turning Winds in the Yaak, Montana?

sorry about the long and late post but i can’t think of anywhere else i can post and talk 100% honestly. so i was there around 2019. to my knowledge about half of ra’s there at the time either had criminal history (felonies even) or had extremely poor relationships with their children. the incident that caused them to relocate from idaho in the mid 2000s was the three eldest brothers getting arrested for allegedly battering a child that escaped. that led to a poor relationship with local police and the move to montana. it’s a place where a depressed 80 pound 13 year old can be under the same roof as a 200 pound 18 year old with behavioral issues and a violent past. the only protection for the 13 year olds is they can’t be in the same room as 18 year olds but 14 and 18 is cool by their standards because it’s legal in montana. i liked the sysco food but there is no way it was healthy especially considering most kids spend a year or more eating it. at twai if you are very well behaved you can go on trips every once in a while. 95% of the time you are either doing a+ laptop schoolwork that is awful but easy enough for a rodent to get a 3.5 gpa or sitting around doing the same thing day after day. bad behavior was encouraged by the system they set up. the program was bad enough and the common punishment really wasn’t worse than the rest of the program. (some liked it including me) we did nothing all day after school other than chore team so the only fun was another kid misbehaving or you doing it. the ra’s loved to shut down innocent fun but the punishments were extremely inconsistent and at times irrational. punishments when you compare to milder stuff 24 hour refocus i saw 48s and 72 for much less they want you to fight. some staff will straight up tell you to beat up a student if they don’t like how a kid is acting.

the phone call thing is true you have very little contact with your family and no contact with anyone else in most situations. you send a required letter on the weekends before breakfast. the letter has to be half a page and cannot say anything remotely negative about the program. if any single students letter isn’t finished nobody eats breakfast. they swear to everybody and it’s even in writing in the book when you get there that the group can never be punished for the actions of one student but they were so understaffed that it is entirely inevitable. if more than a few kids are on consequence any trip planned is canceled. once a week they also take a picture of you to send to your family they are always extremely misleading as well as all the photos on their social media and website. they currently post pictures of students that have ended it for advertising purposes. (and they’re smiling too) they can restrain you and remove you from the building if you’re too loud no shoes even if it’s cold. 40 kids spend hours deep cleaning the place whenever a parent visits. it says trans and lgbtq friendly nobody was transgender during my stay but it definitely isn’t by todays standards. the trans kids would be grouped and housed with their birth gender and would be called by their birth gender (admitted by a operations manager) i don’t remember how names would be handled but i’m pretty sure they would use your birth name as well. the adult material therapist mentioned above was a daffy bracelet wearing harley riding gun toting fanatical idiot who looked like dr egg man from sonic. it says a lot that he was most kids favorite therapist and the staff praised him as a genius. i hate to even mention this because everyone (me included) really liked the guy but one of the shift managers came to work drunk and apparently drove around with a bunch of kids in the bed of his truck donuts even. i didn’t see the truck part but the kid who told me later was in leadership he was the most emotionally mature kid there and respected by students and staff. he also really idolized the guy. that staff was able to visit but not work a few months later so i guess take that with a grain of salt but i’m sure it happened. the younger kids 13-15 were bullied pretty ruthlessly verbally at least. that’s what teenagers do when they only look forward to meals. the bedsheets were never washed until a parent complained and it became a weekly option. you’re only allowed to shower at night. the schoolroom had a repulsive smell for weeks because of a plumbing problem way worse smell then you’re thinking probably. took forever to fix. it was always really hard to sleep because the night staff came in the room every 5 minutes with a loud beep to log and they have to shine a flashlight on you. they’re not required to shine on your face but this old coconut head swamp donkey did on purpose at times. they also only allowed mp3 players in the day with mormon friendly music kids had to buy. eventually they made 1 earbud only a rule because 1 kid wasn’t hearing right which ruined the already limited music we could listen to. i know a lot of the stuff i said wasn’t abuse but twai is neglectful and miserable. i never sh’d in my life i did it three times there it’s such a hopeless disgusting place. i can’t imagine what the younger kids were thinking because any older kid could’ve hurt them bad at any moment. the eldest brother wasn’t involved much in my time but held a high title in the company. the two other brothers that were arrested were around weekly and i can say that they are pos snake mormon greaseball businessmen who do not care about kids in the slightest only covering their own as. i pray to their mormon g man every night that something horrific happens to them again. yeah i’ll go there one of their siblings was murd long ago because their own family was so fed up she preferred to stay with her dipsh** bf who did it. i am glad that they have since repaired what’s left of their family through their fake religion and destroying everyone else’s families for their small average of 100k per student. hopefully the buff jacka** rots too he’s not really a better person he’s just more charismatic because he didn’t lose all his hair by 20 like the brothers. if anybody even reads this thing i’m sorry about how long and unorganized it is these memories don’t really come back in order and i’m a sh** writer and i’m not doing to good rn. i have nobody to talk to now no friends and can’t bear to be seen by anyone. both my parents are depressed too and their close to me so i can’t lay this on them since they already blame themselves for barely doing research. it wasn’t hard to find this thread so clearly nobody else’s parents are doing research beyond what those bald freaks control but hopefully somebody’s parents see this. please don’t take down if it seems politically charged at times i don’t lean either way it’s just that twai certainly does.

/r/troubledteens Thread Parent