Anyone you DON’T want after Misty Dungeon??

Yoimiya and Eula. Them and Ayaka are the only ones from there that I don't have and was looking forward to trying but was left disappointed.

I barely used Yoimiya in a team that I made for her (Yoimiya, Beidou, Kazuha, forgot the other but I think it was Raiden). The lack of AOE was abysmal for me. I thought I could make it up with Kazuha's CC to at least proc Beidou's discharges more often and it worked but not seeing the CC work to its full potential was tragic lmao

I was really tempted to pull Eula last half because jiejie energy but I'm glad I didn't. She felt clunky in her trial and she feels clunky now. I used Eula Raiden Rosaria Beidou and it ended with Eula dying then Rosaria replacing her as the onfield dps. I realized a bit late that Rosaria had a phys build so didn't charge Eula enough but I really didn't want to go through that again with that team.

Whereas Ayaka was understandably strong but it was expected. I get the discourse about her clunky sprint mid-battle but it could be easily solved with just switching characters when exploring. I also generally dislike characters that need stamina management tho so that's another thing. Ayaka was aight for me

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread